Flying Things

Summary: Airplane stuff

green fields

Flying has always been a significant part of my life. My earliest achievement was obtaining the SAMA solo certificate at about 10 years old, back in 2000. University life briefly grounded my aviation pursuits, burt I soon found new excuses to do some flying, like walking the dog..

Otto scores

I eventually found myself at 42 Air, a drone company, where I led the VTOL development program. This program took on the design, manufacturing and testing of our in house VTOL aircraft.

The bigger one

The largest of the family was the BC2 a 25KG MTOW VTOL, along with all the testing data gathering that is considered prudent for such and endeavour.

test rig learning

The biggest challenge was always to get our new ideas into the field fast enough. Airframes were especially tricky. 3D printing (and design for 3D printing) took over this part, to the point where it became our preferred method for constructing the majority of the prototypes, even at the 25Kg and 3M scale!

printed wings printed wings printed wings storage

Preparing for a garden hop.


Some more testing . BC2